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                          系統構成/ System Composition
                          SHEVS is composedof the central control box, fire switch, smoke detector, ventilation switch, remotecontrol, wind rain detector and actuators. SHEVS has the function of Natural VentilationSystems. In addition, when the fire occurs, actuators  are triggered through automatic or manual alarmdevice, SHEVS ensure windows are opened for exhausting smoke. Central controlbox is the core of the whole system.
                          系統功能/ System Function
                          The functionof SHEVS is deriving smoke and heat from the fire, and inhibiting the combustionof building materials. By means of SHEVS, windows can quickly exhaust smoke andheat, maintain visibility of escape and rescue channel enough, firefighters canquickly judge the fire situation, take corresponding measures, so as to speedup the process to avoid the spread of fire extinguishing, protect people lifesafety, reduce property loss.
                          系統應用/ System Application
                            消防排煙散熱系統一般用在機場(chǎng)、火車(chē)站、會(huì )展中心等這些大型的公共場(chǎng)所。
                        1. 徐州鑫友工控科技發(fā)展有限公司 版權所有 技術(shù)支持:招財貓網(wǎng)絡(luò )科技
                        2. 蘇ICP備11051806號-1 蘇公網(wǎng)安備 32039102000360號
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